Divorcing from somebody else’s marriage

Can a Netflix show tell us how our divorce will end up?

If a lawyer or a coach is promising you an amicable divorce, they’re probably talking about somebody else’s marriage. Clearly, they haven’t heard your story attentively, or at all. Probably they’ve watched Netflix too much.

First Wives Club Netflix show poster

The reality is that different marriage dynamics require distinct approaches. Some marriage can definitely lead to cooperative divorces, but most will end up being contentious. This is not because the other spouse is necessarily mean or unreasonable. It’s just that the society, the stereotypes – and lawyers – have though us not to trust our neighbor, let alone our spouse. Have you watched the Netflix show First Wives Club? That’s what I’m talking about.

That’s why I gave you the Marriage Type Quiz, because that will be the first indication of what to expect and how to address it in a positive and successful manner.

For example, if you know that your spouse is toxic, then the hope for an amicable outcome, gets thinner and thinner. You hope for the best but must prepare for the worst, right?

The good news is that we should not care if the divorce will be amicable or not. And this should not stop us from divorcing, either. Because the goal of the divorce is not stopping the nightmare of a sad marriage, but is to create the foundation for a peaceful, happy life.

If you keep this goal in mind, namely your peaceful, happy, successful life after, you won’t be impacted by your soon-to-be ex’s constant attempts to hijack and sabotage your divorce process, your finances, your custody plans.

With this goal in mind, you’ll keep your sanity, your focus, therefore you’ll keep your money and your time with your kids.

I know it’s a lot to process and it might seem counterintuitive to some. That’s why I invite you to watch, not Netflix’s First Wives Club, but my video, carefully selected for you based on the results of your Marriage Test Quiz.